Friday 30 December 2011

Top 11 funniest clips of 2011.

Well we’re in that awkward week between Christmas and New Year so with 2012 looming I thought I would look back at some funny clips of 2011. I’ve probably missed out some good ones, but these are the ones that stick out the most in my memory. So without further ado here are my top 11 funniest moments (that are on YouTube) of 2011.

11. Strictly Come Dancing's movie night promo.

I don't know why, but I find this cheesy as hell promo video funny. Well, it's only Robbie Savage's part that makes me laugh really. Ridiculous but funny.

10. Charged looter walks into lamppost.

The riots across the UK were a terrible blot on 2011, but since most of the people who took part in them were morons there was obviously going to be a few funny clips and photos. Lots of footage of idiots failing to break windows or trying on shoes outside of JD Sports, some even got on television and displayed their eloquent communication skills to the nation. Deary me. I’ve chosen two short clips, one of the idiot primary school teaching assistant walking into a lamppost, the other a satirical look at anarchy in the UK…

9. Pensioner chases off robbers with handbag.

Earlier in the year six fully grown men attempted to rob a jewellery store in broad daylight. An elderly woman saw this, ran over and started whacking them with her handbag. Under heavy fire the six idiots attempt to get away on their scooters and one comically falls off and is pinned down by members of the public. Got to love Britain.

8. Rebecca Black.

This year saw Rebecca Black emerge as a popstar with her infamous song ‘Friday’. At first I thought it was a joke, a parody of Justin Bieber and all that tripe, but as it turned out it was all real! The song itself is obviously rubbish but the video is what makes it funny. From the 12 year old driving a car while Rebecca deliberates where she’ll sit to the lesson in days of the week where she informs us all that Sunday comes after Saturday. There was even that comical rapper towards the end who had obviously fallen on hard times. Still, could’ve been worse, could’ve been Kanye. I did think the hatred towards her was a little odd, sending her death threats? Really? Must have been jealousy as she must have made a fortune!

7. Mario Balotelli fails to put on a bib.

Yes, footballers are idiots and there’s nothing I like more than watching one make themselves look like a complete and utter tool. Step up Mario Balotelli who, when he’s not setting his bathroom on fire, plays for Manchester City. In a Europa League match Mario attempted to put on a bib for the warm up, what ensued was simply hilarious. We all knew footballers were stupid, but unable to dress themselves? Really?

6. Francis Maude gets bullied by facts on the Today show.

The public sector cuts have been a big story throughout the year and Francis Maude has been at the centre of pretty much all of it. Throughout the year Mark Serwotka has been a persistant thorn in his side, making him look a fool on national news or pointing out basic facts to contradict his arguments. The pair clashed horns on the Today programme in June and it didn’t end too well for Maude. Evan Davis and Serwotka quite simply bullied the poor man using nothing but actual facts. It really was quite amusing.

5. Matt Baker asks David Cameron how he sleeps at night on The One Show.

David Cameron has an answer for everything. We found this out earlier in the year when he made an appearance on The One Show and at the very end of the programme, presenter Matt Baker asks him ‘very quickly’ “How on Earth do you sleep at night?” The reaction is brilliant, co-presenter Alex Jones gasps and Dave just takes it on the chin and gives him an actual answer! I think what makes this clip is the way the show ends with the outro music and the credits as they all just sit there awkwardly. Hilarious.

4. Charlie Sheen.

What a year it’s been for Charlie Sheen. Too bad he wont remember any of it. After being sacked from Two and a Half Men for drug abuse, Sheen invited ABC News into his home to interview him. Andrea Canning was sent to ask the questions and some of his answers were just staggering to the point where you started to think the whole this was slightly unethical. I think the funniest thing about the interview is the petrified look on Canning’s face as she realises that Sheen is closest to the door. I’ve posted the Songify video because it’s funnier than watching the whole interview.

3. Ubisoft embarrass themselves at E3.

Microsoft turned up to the E3 conference this year with the Kinect under their arm again, but this time they had a few third party developers to show of its capabilities. Up stepped Ubisoft to show off their latest Ghost Recon game with Kinect features and boy oh boy it was embarrassing. Ubisolft’s actual president stood up on stage and got one of his minions to show how ‘realistic’ the control scheme was which consisted of waving your hand in the air to bring up the scope on your weapon. So realistic, congratulations Chris.

2. Chelsea TV’s Torres song.

This video is hilarious and it gets funnier and funnier as time goes on. I actually thought it was a joke video made by Liverpool fans or something, but to find out this was real and made by Chelsea TV was just too funny. Back in January Fernando Torres left Liverpool and headed to Chelsea for a small fee of £50 million. How has he done? Well here’s a stat for you: In 2011 Torres scored more goals for Liverpool than he did for Chelsea. That’s what makes this video more and more amusing. £50 million pounds for a player who isn’t even a shadow of his former self, they might as well have bought a Subbuteo player and stuck him upfront; might have got them more goals.

And in at number 1: Herman Cain on Libya.

This is the perfect clip to watch if you want a quick look at what the Republic party is all about. There are many others, from Donald Trump’s great relationship with ‘the blacks’ to Rick Perry’s ‘don’t let the gays serve in our proud military’ campaign but Hermain Cain takes the biscuit. This man was the front runner for a time, can you believe that? When asked by CBS what his thoughts on the Libya action was, Cain proceeded to flounder as if he’d been asked a question about quantum physics. The man, like most of his party, knew nothing! Just watch and enjoy.

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