Friday 16 December 2011

America vs. Wild.

The BBC’s brilliant documentary Frozen Planet has wrapped up now but it didn’t quite manage to get to the end of its run without some form of scandal. Now even poor old David Attenborough has been the subject of widespread complaint from the British public. His crime? Misleading viewers, apparently.

Yes during the scene of a polar bear’s birth the documentary actually filmed the scene in a zoo. The run up to the scene was in the wild, and the actual cub being born was filmed in a Dutch zoo. I feel so mislead.

What did the British public want Attenborough to do, just pause mid-sentence and say ‘oh yeah, by the way, this scene was filmed in a zoo’? Yes, because that wouldn’t spoil the tone at all now would it.

The makers made it known to the public by actually showing viewers how they filmed it, in a zoo, during one of their making-of clips. It’s not like they were deviously hiding the fact away in a cave or anything!

This is the thing with the British public, we love a good moan. Seriously give us anything at all, even the slightest whiff of scandal and we’re all over it like a pod of orcas at a seal convention. Remember when Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand played a prank on Andrew Sachs on Radio 2? More people complained to the BBC about that than people who actually listened to the show!

I mean, Frozen Planet was made by quite possibly the most dedicated camera crew in the world. They were climbing into volcanoes for crying out loud just to make this documentary for you to sit at home in your living room and enjoy. But no, it’s just not enough for you is it Britain? You have to nit-pick and point at the fact they filmed the birth of a polar bear in a zoo. If they filmed that in the wild, the cameraman would be dead! Why don’t you go and do it!

Anyway as annoying as the Brits are, at least they’re not as bad as the Americans. Yes, the real scandal surrounding Frozen Planet is its move over to the States where the seventh episode, the one all about climate change, is being dropped.

What is it about America? They claim to be the land of the free, and yet endeavour to censure anything related to climate change because there are STILL people in America who believe it’s all a big con.

Well, I say they’ll censure anything, but that’s not entirely true. Of course if there is even a shred of a rumour that there may be a slight hint of evidence that global warming is a hoax the national news networks go ballistic, wasting hours and hours talking to pointless commentators about how it’s all just been a conspiracy and penguins are living it up with their money.

Obviously these hoax conspiracy stories gets quashed by scientists, and the last time that happened the entire news network of America dedicated a whole 24 SECONDS to the story. Notice I said the entire network, that’s everyone not just FOX. This is the scale of the here problem people!

I just love how the Americans are against anything that may disprove their beliefs. Climate change is a big one, and then there’s the issue of evolution; some schools over there don’t even teach it!

Evolution is debatable I’ll give them that, though the theory is backed up with substantial evidence, but climate change is about as factual as you can get. It’s a fact, we have data that we’ve researched over a long period of time to prove it; figures, charts, graphs, all proving that global warming is a real phenomenon, and a real problem for humanity as a species.

But no, America stands firm in deciding that they should have the freedom to choose what a fact is, and what isn’t. Sorry America, but you don’t. Facts are facts, that’s all there is to it. Humans can’t breathe under water; the Earth is round; bacteria exist; Mars has two moons; climate change is real. You can’t just stick your fingers in your ears and shout at the top of your voice pretending it isn’t.

So please American news networks, just admit it, climate change is real. No more censuring it because it doesn’t fit your narrative, you’re not China. Well maybe you will be if you keep going with this SOPA bill, but not yet anyway. Not yet.

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