Friday 24 December 2010

Duck Season.

Well it’s been one memorable week across the pond. No I’m not talking about Doctor Who being aired at the same time as us Brits, this is much bigger news! Something actually got done! In the senate of all places!

Yes, I am of course talking about the bill to finally give US first responders to the 9/11 attacks healthcare funding. This bill took forever to get passed. I can’t believe I just wrote that. I mean, it’s such a no-brainer. Healthcare for 9/11 heroes and survivors, who in their right minds would oppose that?

Republicans. Of course, who else. Apparently this thing was going to cost too much or maybe that money would end up in the hands of an illegal immigrant who went in to save people. Those inconsiderate migrant bastards, how dare they go in and save people’s lives!

Let’s face it, the Republicans were only blocking this thing because Obama wasn’t doing what they wanted, like a child who walks off with the ball, we all know that child, and we all hate him. That’s what they are at times: children. Alright, block some things in some sort of childish protest, but to sit there on your back-sides blocking a bill that gives healthcare to the brave men and women who saved lives during the 9/11 terror attacks in New York is just plain wrong. The same men and women who Republicans won't stop going on about when it suits them!

I think we can all agree that this is a good bill. We can argue about the new healthcare bill (not Obamacare by the way, whoever coined that needs to be jettisoned into orbit as soon as possible) as there are actual arguments to be had, but this one is so painfully without fault the Republicans do nothing but look like idiots opposing it.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Democrat or a Republican just vote yes and be done with it! Your issue is with Obama and the other Democrats in the senate, don’t take it out on people who quite frankly deserve to have healthcare funding, not to be hindered in their daily lives while you swan around in a large room waiting for the end-of-school bell doing nothing! Thankfully they passed it on Wednesday, and none too soon!

But that wasn’t all! The senators clearly had their Weetabix that morning as they passed another bill! And yes, it was yet another no-brainer, this bill allows US troops to serve in the military as themselves. Yes, I can’t believe I just wrote that either. Yes, it’s the gay issue. The senate has decided to overturn the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy, meaning gay and lesbian servicemen and women can openly serve in the military whereas they would previously be forced to lie about their sexual orientation.

It came out of the blue really, I thought Republicans, in particular John McCain, would never be turned on this! He had demanded to see surveys, analysis of surveys, more surveys, more accurate surveys, a survey on the surveys, before he would even talk about the idea of possibly looking at the policy, let alone change it! All the evidence pointed towards the military being fine with it, but McCain needed more than this. You did get the feeling he just kept on batting it away and asking for something he thought was impossible, like a jubilant manager telling a rookie employee to go and find a long stand, only for them to return with a long stand.

But it somehow managed to pass through the senate on Wednesday! It really is a landmark bill, especially for America. It’s amazing how the senate, after months of pretty much doing absolutely nothing, decided to do so much on one day. Were they up for a review or something?

But that wasn’t all! They even passed a bill to reduce the amount of nuclear warheads between themselves and Russia by 30%. Which I think we can all agree is a good thing. I honestly don’t know how the Democrats have done this, how did they manage to get the Republicans out of bed? Never mind vote in favour of these bills! What, did they find some dirt on Boehner or something?

Either way they somehow managed it, and during the so called ‘lame-duck’ period too. It doesn’t get any better than that. Barack Obama has called it “the most productive post-election periods in decades.” And he’s probably right, Obama has been under fire in recent months, he took a big hit at the mid-terms and he’s been having serious problems getting things done with the Republicans opposing even his lunch orders. But this week he can be proud, as he’s managed to get some major bills passed and he’s got the senate producing some form of productivity again.

What’s so lame about that?

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