Monday 6 December 2010


It came to my attention this weekend that Facebook had a good ol’ fashioned shindig involving its profile pictures. Yes, to aid awareness of child violence someone thought of a pretty nifty idea: for everyone to change their profile photo to a picture of a cartoon character.

This was a general success, quite a few people, including myself (Avenger from Harvey Birdman, hell yeah!), changed their photos. Why? Well to raise awareness and have a bit of nostalgic fun along the way. But of course for every happy man or woman enjoying him or herself in the world there is a killjoy. And there is no Xbox achievement for this kind of killjoy, not at all. Only a big rubber stamp that simply says :’(

Why have people actively gone out of their way to condemn this? I mean, c’mon guys it’s just a bit of fun. Enjoy your life. It’s okay we know the world done ya wrong, but come now, join us and let’s have some fun.

But no, I’ve seen many a status update over the weekend with disgruntled party poopers exclaiming how absurd this whole thing is. “What good will it do?” I hear them say. Well it could do a lot actually. Maybe some people will say: “yeah, you know what? I think I’m going to give a donation to the NSPCC.” If one person did that then it was all worth it. And so what if it did nothing, it was a bit of fun, I remembered the Moomins, what more can you want?

Some people have just gone way too far in opposing this. You’ve probably seen it all for yourselves. I found it especially funny to see people moaning about conformity, saying they refuse to do it. I saw one person have a cartoon on Saturday, but because one of our mutual friends proclaimed their distain for the idea he commented in support and changed it back to his original photo. Sigh.

It’s such a shame to see that a lot of people I know have grown up.

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