Tuesday 28 February 2012

Top 5 Worst Movie Deaths of 2011.

Okay, I couldn’t let 2011 go by without doing a little list reminding us all of some of the worst deaths over the past year. I’ve listed my personal top 5 worst deaths of 2011, all of them are for different reasons but all are terrible, terrible deaths! 

Undead's do not count, so you won't find any nomination from the Twilight movie I'm afraid. Much as I wish it would just die...

5 - Super 8 - Pick-up truck driver.

Super 8 may well have been one of my favourite movies of the year but it was not without its faults. This entry isn’t so much about the death itself but more so about the fact there is no immediate death. It’s the scene where the train crashes into the pick-up truck. In the scene, this pick-up truck manages to make a multiple tonne freight train do somersaults by crashing into it head on! I have no idea how; in real life the train would have just smashed through it like a rally car through paper, but no, this pick-up truck manages to derail the entire train all the while staying largely intact AND having the driver survive! I have no idea how any of that happened. He does die eventually but he’s kept alive long enough to tell the kids something very important.

4 - X-Men First Class – Darwin.

X-Men First Class was a decent superhero movie that finally got the X-Men franchise back on track all be it a track that has no continuity whatsoever. One downside to the prequel was that the characters on show, not including Professor X and Magneto, were rubbish. Angel and Emma Frost represent some of the worst characters, and some of the worst acting ever seen in any superhero movie. Beast was extremely tame and the others very forgettable. One of the characters on show was Darwin, who had the ability to evolve instantaneously to adapt to certain situations. As soon as you meet him you know he’s going to die. How do you know? Well, he’s black for a start. Yep, Darwin is a dead bro walking and only serves as a device for Kevin Bacon to show off his crazy powers. He gets exploded by a load of energy he’s forced to swallow. Pants.

3 - Fast and the Furious 5 - Don’s brother.

Vin Diesel isn’t really acclaimed for his acting ability really, so it comes as no surprise that the Fast and the Furious 5 makes it into this list. In a random skirmish with a crime-lord’s mini army, Don’s crew manage to escape but what’s this? Don’s brother has been wounded in the gut. The next scene shows him lying on a table, dead. Don looks at him, walks away and starts going on about robbing the police station or whatever. No emotion. Nothing. Wow.

2 - I Am Number 4 – Henri.

Teenie bopper movie, I Am Number 4, featured some very poor acting and a story that made no sense at all. Amongst all that was the death of Number 4’s guardian Henri, who not only allows himself to be captured by two yokels but is also killed off because Number 4 can’t start a car with his powers. Yes, Number 4 struggles to ignite the engine even though moments earlier we witnessed him turn the key of a door like it was nothing…so why not just turn the ignition? After much struggle, one of those silly Voldemort men jumps on the bonnet and stabs Henri with a sword. How lame.

1 – Transformers 3 – Megatron.

Though not as bad as the second instalment, Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon is a terrible movie. You will probably be dismayed to hear that the fourth instalment will be directed by Michael Bay, news that shatters the dreams of us all who hoped for just one good Transformers movie. Of course we’ll all go and see the fourth just to see how much worse Bay can make it, I’m sure he won’t disappoint. The third movie ended in such a fittingly bad way… the death of Megatron. Yes, Megatron, the ultimate Decepticon, reduced to nothing by Michael Bay in just 2 movies, is killed off at the end by a one armed Optimus Prime in a fight that lasts barely 5 seconds. What happened to Megatron? This really was the final humiliation for the poor sod. Truth be told if I were to include more than 1 death per movie then the whole top 5 would be dominated by Transformers 3. Starscream is also killed ridiculously by a human and not Megatron, and then there’s the plot device professor who serves only to give Sam Witwicky a grapple hook before being murdered by the Decepticons.

Terrible movie, terrible deaths.

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